Most Common Used PLC’s in Industrialized Countries

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) plays a critical role in controlling machinery and processes in various industries. Despite PLC functions remaining consistent across the globe. The choice of specific PLC brands and models varies by region due to varying factors. These factors include: local industry demands, availability, historical preferences, and regulatory standards. This article explores the most commonly used PLCs in five industrialized countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, China, and Japan.


United States

In the United States, several key players dominate the automation industry. Allen-Bradley and Schneider Electric make up the two biggest domestic manufacturers. Additionally, factories across the US use Germany’s Siemens.


  • Allen-Bradley: One of the most widely used domestic brands, Allen-Bradley provides a range of products across industries. This can range anywhere from industrial to food processing . The integration of Allen-Bradley PLCs with Rockwell’s FactoryTalk software suite offers a comprehensive solution for American manufacturers.
  • Siemens: Although a German brand, Siemens’ SIMATIC PLCs (especially the S7 series) are also popular in the U.S. This is particularly true in industries with a strong focus on integration and advanced networking capabilities.
  • Schneider Electric: The Modicon PLC series from Schneider Electric is another strong contender in the U.S. market. Especially in sectors like energy and infrastructure.

United Kingdom

The UK’s industrial sector reflects a mix of international and European influences. Primarily the Germany company, Siemens leads the market with Allen-Bradley and Mitsubishi Electric also widely used.


  • Siemens: The SIMATIC S7 series remains the most widely used PLC in the UK. Its flexibility, scalability, and robust performance in various industrial environments make it a preferred choice across different sectors.
  • Allen-Bradley: Allen-Bradley PLCs are also popular in the UK’s automotive and manufacturing industries where there is a strong U.S. influence.
  • Mitsubishi Electric: Known for their reliability and cost-effectiveness, Mitsubishi Electric’s FX and Q series PLCs see the most usage in small to medium-sized enterprises.


Mexico’s proximity to the United States plays a heavy influence its automation sector. Both companies share a robust industrial automation industry.


  • Allen-Bradley: Given the close economic ties with the U.S., Allen-Bradley PLCs are predominant in Mexico, especially in the automotive, electronics, and consumer goods sectors.
  • Siemens: Siemens PLC’s popularity exists in specific industries require high precision and advanced automation. Food processing and automotive manufacturing being two prominent ones.
  • OMRON: OMRON’s PLCs, especially the CP1 and CJ series, are also gaining traction in Mexico, particularly in the electronics and packaging industries due to their compact size and ease of integration.


China’s massive industrial base has led to a diverse market for PLCs, with both domestic and international brands competing for dominance.


  • Siemens: Siemens’ SIMATIC S7 series is the most widely used PLC in China, particularly in high-tech manufacturing and large-scale industrial projects. Its extensive support network in China also contributes to its popularity.
  • Mitsubishi Electric: The FX and Q series from Mitsubishi Electric are highly popular in China, especially in the automotive, electronics, and machinery manufacturing sectors. Their affordability and reliability are key factors driving their adoption.
  • Delta Electronics: A leading domestic brand, Delta Electronics’ DVP series PLCs are commonly used in China, especially in applications requiring compact and cost-effective solutions.


Japan’s industrial automation sector is characterized by high precision and efficiency, with a strong preference for domestic brands.


  • Mitsubishi Electric: As the dominant player in Japan, Mitsubishi Electric’s PLCs, particularly the MELSEC series, are used extensively across various industries, including automotive, electronics, and robotics.
  • OMRON: OMRON is another key player in the Japanese market, with its CP1 and CJ series PLCs being widely adopted in sectors requiring compact and reliable control solutions.
  • Keyence: Known for its high-performance and user-friendly interface, Keyence PLCs are also prevalent in Japan, particularly in high-tech and automated manufacturing processes.


The choice of PLCs across different countries remains influenced by a combination of factors including local market preferences, availability, and industry requirements. In the United States and Mexico, Allen-Bradley PLCs dominate due to strong ties with U.S. industries. In contrast, Siemens’ SIMATIC series leads in the UK and China, with Mitsubishi Electric playing a significant role in Japan and China. Understanding these regional preferences can help multinational companies make informed decisions when planning and implementing automation projects in different parts of the world.

In Need of a PLC?

Reach out to our team by phone: (800) 691-8511 or by email: Check out our website for more information on other products.

featured image for survey about America’s dream car

America’s Dream Ride: A State-by-State Pursuit

Coast to coast, the American landscape stretches from cityscapes to deserts. It’s no surprise that car preferences vary wildly across state lines. What might be a dream ride cruising the California coast—a sleek convertible with the latest tech—wouldn’t quite conquer the snowy peaks of Vermont. But one thing unites car owners everywhere: a deep affection for their four-wheeled rides. 

Join us on a road trip unlike any other, as we explore the “dream car” of each state! We’ll delve into the features, styles, and comforts that Americans dream of, revealing what truly gets their engines revving. Buckle up, gearheads – this data-driven journey across the U.S. of A. is about to take you from coast to coast in search of the ultimate American dream car!

Under the Hood of State Preferences: Mapping Car Dreams

Colorful Choices in a Sea of Black 

While black remains the most popular color choice overall and in 38 U.S. states, several states buck this trend. New Mexico stands out with its preference for blue vehicles, perhaps inspired by its famous clear skies. Meanwhile, Colorado opts for shades of green in their automotive choices – maybe as a testament to its forested landscape. Though the majority of states favor the classic black, these pockets of color diversity demonstrate the varied tastes of American drivers.

Sedan Strongholds 

While SUVs dominate the dreams of many Americans, some states still show a preference for the classic sedan. Connecticut and Massachusetts stand out as sedan enthusiasts in our survey. This could be attributed to the region’s older cities, which have narrower streets and tighter parking spaces, making sedans a more practical choice for urban dwellers.

Comfort is King in the North 

While many cars are tricked out with countless features, we asked Americans to rank the number one feature that’s most critical in their dream car. The importance of heated seats can’t be overstated for some northern states. Maine, New York, and Rhode Island all list heated seats as their top priority. This preference is likely driven by the harsh winters these states experience, making warm seats a daily necessity rather than a luxury.

Beyond heated seats, northern states also strongly prefer other comfort-enhancing features. For instance, New Hampshire and Massachusetts prioritize 4-wheel drive, likely a necessity for navigating snowy roads. Meanwhile, states like Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and Nevada all list remote start as their most desired feature, allowing drivers to warm up their cars from the comfort of their homes during the winter months.

Eco-Conscious Choices 

21 states show a strong preference for hybrid vehicles, indicating a growing environmental consciousness. States like California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Washington all dream of hybrid cars. Interestingly, these states represent both coastal regions, suggesting that eco-friendly transportation might be a priority in these areas. However, many inland states, such as Illinois, Minnesota, and Nevada, also prefer hybrids, showing that this trend isn’t limited to the coasts.

Beyond State Lines: Decoding the DNA of America’s Dream Cars

infographic highlighting facts about America’s dream cars 

The average American’s automotive aspirations come with a surprisingly specific price tag: $47,823. This figure suggests that most people’s dream cars fall squarely in the luxury or high-end market, but aren’t quite in supercar territory. In fact, 63.2% believe their dream car is attainable within their lifetime, and 2.7% say they already own it.

When it comes to color, Americans seem to prefer their dreams in darker shades. Black leads the pack at 28.8%, with blue following at 20.2%. White and grey round out the top four, suggesting a preference for classic, understated colors.

SUVs dominate the dream car landscape, with 45.2% of respondents putting them at the top of their list. This preference for larger vehicles aligns with the growing trend towards spacious, versatile cars. Sedans come in second at 21.1%, followed by hatchbacks and sports cars.

While minivans might not be winning any cool contests, they have a dedicated fan base. Only 3.6% of overall respondents dream of minivans, but here’s where it gets interesting: those living in households of 5 or more are 6.5% more likely to fantasize about the minivan life. Minivans have the most fans in Indiana, with 1 in 10 Hoosiers saying it’s their dream car. It seems that practicality can indeed be the stuff of dreams for larger families. 

Dark interiors are the clear winner, with 71.1% preferring them over lighter options. When it comes to seating, leather reigns supreme, with 62.2% opting for this luxurious touch. Interestingly, parents are even more likely to prefer leather seats (68.3%), possibly valuing their durability and ease of cleaning.

The shift towards more eco-friendly options is evident, with 45.2% choosing hybrid vehicles as their ideal. Traditional gas vehicles follow closely at 39.5%. There’s a notable gender divide when it comes to electric vehicles: men are 8.4% more likely than women to dream of an electric car. 

Automatic transmissions are overwhelmingly preferred, with 89.2% of respondents choosing them for their dream cars. This preference for convenience extends to the most desired features: heated seats top the list, followed closely by 4-wheel drive, remote start, cruise control, and keyless entry.

Driving Dreams: The Road Ahead

Our journey through America’s automotive aspirations reveals a nation of diverse dreams, practical considerations, and evolving preferences. From the sun-soaked convertibles of Nevada to the heated seats prioritized in the Northeast, it’s clear that our ideal vehicles are as varied as the landscapes we drive them through.

From the sun-soaked shores of California to the rugged mountains of Alaska, it’s clear that the American dream car is as diverse as the nation itself. While these automotive aspirations may vary by state, one thing remains constant: the need for reliable, efficient, and powerful machinery. 

At MRO Electric, we understand the importance of keeping operations running smoothly. Our expertise in providing top-tier controls and automation solutions is essential for industries across the country. Just as drivers rely on their vehicles to get them where they need to go, businesses depend on our products to achieve their goals. Let MRO Electric be your partner in powering progress. Contact us today to see how our solutions can support your automation needs. 


These insights are based on a survey of 2,230 Americans. The survey was run in July of 2024. Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, D.C., and Wyoming were omitted from our research due to insufficient sample sizes. 

Servo Amplifiers in the Olympics

This year the most elite athletes from all over the world come together in Paris, France. There they will spend two weeks competing against one another in the Olympic games. It’s no secret that a lot of planning, work, and effort goes into the Olympics. While the spotlight understandably goes to the athletes and their coaches who compete. The success of the Olympics also hinges on its more technical side. When we talk about the importance of technical operations. Servo amplifiers in the Olympics are crucial componenst that can make or break an event..

Read more: Servo Amplifiers in the Olympics

Servo amplifiers play an essential role in numerous applications within the Olympics. They ensure high precision, reliability, and performance across various sports and event operations. Here are some specific examples of how they are utilized:

Timing Systems

Timing systems like the ones made by Omega, the official time-keeping body of the Olympics, utilize servo amplifiers. Servo amplifiers control precision timing sensors and actuators, ensuring that the timing devices record the start and finish times to the thousandth of a second. This high level of accuracy plays an essential role in determining winners and setting new records. Track, Swimming, and Cycling are a few sports utilizing precision timing systems.

This Omega time keeping device utilizes servo amplifiers to record start and finish times with precise accuracy.

Robotic Cameras and Broadcast Equipment

Servo amplifiers play a big part when it comes to robotics, and the in the Olympics it is no different. Servo amplifiers offer precise and smooth motion for the camera to capture dynamic action from various angles without any shake or jitter. This precision control allows for cameras to pan and move while capturing fast-moving athletes as they make dynamic moves frequently missed by the human eye.

Gymnastics Equipment Calibration

When talking about gymnastics, factors like height, tension, and stability play very important roles in the outcome of gymnastics. Gymnastics requires everything to be precise and correct. This is not just limited to the actions and skill levels of the gymnast but also the equipment that they use. The slightest off set of height from a balancing beam or lack of tension on a line can cause an Olympian gymnast to lose their shot at the gold, if not something more catastrophic. The capability of servo amplifiers to adjust these factors with precise accuracy not only prevent unforeseen accidents, but also ensuring that someone takes home the gold!

Automated Training Simulators

High-end training simulators, such as rowing machines and treadmills used by athletes, often incorporate servo amplifiers. These amplifiers control the resistance and movement of the machines, providing athletes with consistent and precise feedback during their training sessions. For example, a rowing machine with a servo amplifier can accurately simulate the resistance of water, helping rowers to train more effectively.

Training simulators like the one used for archery utilize servo amplifiers to measure speed and velocity of arrows.


Servo amplifiers are indispensable in the Olympic Games, providing the precision, reliability, and efficiency necessary for various applications. From timing systems and robotic cameras to training equipment and training systems, servo amplifiers enhance the overall performance and fairness of the competitions. As technology continues to advance, their role is set to become even more significant, contributing to the ever-evolving landscape of the Olympics.

Need a Servo Amplifier?

Have a tasks that requires peak levels of precision and functionality? Reach out to our team by phone: (800) 691-8511 or by email: Check out our website for more information on other products.

The Most Popular U.S. College Mascots

The game is almost over, and your team is losing. You can feel the crowd’s energy dropping as you look around at sad faces painted with team colors. But just as you’re about to give up hope, someone comes out to pump up the crowd and save the day: the mascot.

For any team, mascots are crucial for boosting morale and keeping fans engaged. They’re famous symbols of team spirit that appear on merchandise, inspire game-day outfits, and become iconic figures with big personalities. It’s easy to see how beloved mascots are while they’re on the field, but many do just as much off the field to keep fans entertained. In this blog, we’ll explore which college mascots are the most popular based on their social media followings. Read on to see if your favorites made the cut!

College Mascots with the Highest Social Media Following

A graphic displaying college mascots with the highest social media following.

So who takes the cake, Biff, the Michigan Wolverine or Brutus Buckeye? The Duke Blue Devil or Rameses the Tar Heel? We turned to X, Instagram, and TikTok to analyze followers of mascots at over 70 major universities across the U.S. So, lay the debates to rest because we crunched the numbers. 

Fans of Brigham Young University or the University of Oregon are in luck thanks to Cosmo the Cougar and The Oregon Duck. These mascots are leagues ahead of their social media competition, and we can see why. They both keep up with trends and maintain consistent posting schedules—and people love to watch Cosmo dance. 

Although The Ohio State University’s Brutus Buckeye is in third place, the contest isn’t very close. The Duck’s combined follower count is almost double that of Brutus Buckeye’s, while Cosmo’s count is over triple.

The three highest-followed mascots can attribute much of their success to TikTok. Fourth-ranked Mike the Tiger of Louisiana State University, on the other hand, is best known for his purple and gold-themed Instagram page. Mike is joined by other Instagrammers like Aubie (Auburn University), Reveille (Texas A&M University), Jonathan the Husky (University of Connecticut), and Big Al (University of Alabama). These mascots are in the majority, as Instagram is the biggest platform for most of the mascots we researched.

While most mascots tend to do their best on TikTok and Instagram, others thrive on X. That’s where Bucky Badger, Golden Gopher, and Cocky all boast their biggest platforms. Even so, Brutus Buckeye has the most X followers of any college mascot, followed closely by The Oregon Duck.

Conferences with the Highest Social Media Following

A graphic displaying college conferences with the highest social media following.

Next, we wanted to see how the conferences stack up to each other, all mascots considered. 

The Big 12 Conference might have the highest social media following, but it only has one mascot in the 20 highest-followed list. That just goes to show the sheer social media power of the most popular college mascot overall, Cosmo the Cougar.

The Big Ten Conference and the SEC have the next highest social media followings. As the oldest NCAA Division I conferences today, it’s no surprise that together they contain 16 of the 20 highest-followed mascots.

Following in fourth place is the ACC, with Sebastian the Ibis leading the conference in social media followers. Hailing from the University of Miami, Sebastian holds the ACC’s only spot on the top 20 list. Similarly, UConn’s Jonathan the Husky is the only mascot from an NCAA football-independent school to appear on the list.

Representing Washington State University, Butch T. Cougar has the most followers in the Pac-12 Conference. He may not have enough followers to make it on the top 20 list, but he has enough to beat Oregon State University’s Benny Beaver, the only other mascot in the conference.

Closing Thoughts

So there you have it! Whether your mascot made our list or not, we can all agree that game days wouldn’t be the same without them. 

College mascots are an essential part of any team, bringing fans together both on the field and online. At MRO Electric, we understand the importance of a solid team. Without a collective effort, we wouldn’t be able to deliver our electric supplies on time and intact to keep your operations running smoothly. Contact us today to see how our team can help you find the right industrial automation supplies!


Our analysis of the most popular collegiate mascots includes schools in the Power 5 conferences, as well as FBS independent schools. We analyzed each of the primary mascots’ accounts on Instagram, TikTok, and X in July of 2024. Secondary mascots or school spirit accounts that feature the mascot were not included in this analysis.

Servo Amplifier Safety Features

The fast-paced world of industrial automation remains constantly in motion.  In an environment that moves fast, the ability to diagnose and quickly control a fault remains crucial to operating an industrial machine efficiently and safely. Having a servo amplifier safety features saves money, time, and lives in the long run.  

Read more: Servo Amplifier Safety Features

Before we get into the multiple safety features of servo amplifiers. If you are not familiar with servo amplifiers, this article covers the fundamentals of what servo amplifiers are. Definitely give it a read over!

Overcurrent Protection

Overcurrent protection exist as the most fundamental safety feature found on servo amplifiers.   This mechanism prevents excessive current from flowing through the amplifier. Excessive current flows occur due to short circuits or sudden surges in demand. When an amplifier detects overcurrent,it shuts down or reduces power. This avoids overheating and potential damage to the motor and the amplifier itself. This not only preserves the lifespan of the components but also mitigates fire hazards associated with electrical overloads.

Thermal Protection

Another safety feature found in servo amplifiers, thermal protection use integrated sensors to monitor servo amplifier temperatures. These sensors initiate protective measures if temperatures rise above safety thresholds.  This usually involvesreducing the power output, activating cooling fans, or even shutting down the amplifier to prevent thermal runaway and damage. Effective thermal management ensures continuous, reliable operation and extends the equipment’s service life.

Over/Under Voltage Protection

Overvoltage conditions can arise from fluctuations in the power supply or regenerative energy from the motor, potentially damaging sensitive electronic components. Undervoltage situations can impair the amplifier’s performance, leading to erratic motor behavior. By monitoring and maintaining voltage within safe limits, these protective mechanisms ensure stable and predictable operation, safeguarding both the amplifier and the connected motor.

Fault Detection and Diagonistic

Advanced servo amplifiers often incorporate fault detection and diagnostic capabilities.  These systems continuously monitor operational parameters and can identify anomalies such as motor stalls, feedback errors, or communication failures. When a fault is detected, the amplifier can trigger alarms, log diagnostic information, and take corrective actions such as switching to a safe state or performing an emergency stop. This proactive approach to fault management not only prevents potential damage but also aids in troubleshooting and maintenance, reducing downtime and operational costs.

Safety features on a Yaskawa Sigma 5 servo amplifier.


 The safety features integrated into modern servo amplifiers are essential for protecting equipment, ensuring safe operation, and enhancing overall system reliability. Overcurrent and thermal protection, voltage regulation, and advanced fault detection are just a few examples of how these features work together to mitigate risks and extend the life of both the amplifiers and the motors they control. As technology advances, we can expect even more sophisticated safety mechanisms to emerge, further improving the safety and efficiency of servo-driven systems.

Have a Broken Servo Amplifier?

A brief guide for common Fanuc servo amplifier alarm codes can be found here. For any inquiries regarding repair or replacement, our team is available by phone: (800) 691-8511 or by email:

The Basics of Servo Amplifiers

When thinking about automation, we imaigne massive warehouses housing automation lines that have conveyer belts snaking every which way.  Large robotic arms constantly move back and forth as they commit to the same repeated task over and over again.  You probably imagine sparks flying in the air as robotic arms weld parts to march larger machine bodies. The sight of a manufacturing facility may overstimulate the senses. The flashes of light, the sound humming and grinding, and the smell of various mechanical fluids in the air.  With so much stimulation, it’s understandable as to why people overlook the comparatively small but very crucial amplifier.  After all these small devices sit tucked away hidden from sight. Nonnetheless they perform the very important function of orchestrating tasks to other units with extreme precision. 

Read more: The Basics of Servo Amplifiers

The History of Servo Amplifiers

The history of servo amplifiers dates back to the 1920s where their original exploration largely targeted aviation and military applications.  During the bulk years of WWII during the 1940s, early servo mechanisms saw their use controlling gun turretts and radar.  Notice how I said “”servo mechanisms,” that’s because these weren’t quite the servo amplifiers that we are familiar with today. Instead they required hydraulic and manual action.  The end of the 40s and into the 1950s saw the development of the first electronic servo amplifier. The servo amplifier stood as a vast improvement compared to its predecessor, in regards to precision and reliability. 

The 1960s and 70s brought the invention of the semiconductor and with that the next evolutionary step for servo amplifiers.  In 1969 the company, Modcon, built the first Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Not only did the PLC revolutionize the automation industry but it also paved the way for more sophisticated control systems. By the 1980s, the integrating of digital signal processing (DSP) furthered the capabilities of servo amplifiers. By the 1990s, servo amplifier connectivity and communication made it an irreplaceable asset to industries across the globe.

How Do Servo Amplifiers Work

At the core of its functionality, the servo amplifier is a feedback device.This system relies on sensors, typically encoders or resolvers, to provide real-time data on the motor’s performance. The feedback loop continuously compares the actual position, speed, and torque of the motor with the commanded values from the control system.The servo amplfifier corrects any discrepencies by adjusting the power output accordingly. This closed-loop system ensures high precision and responsiveness, enabling complex and delicate tasks to be performed with ease.

Servo amplifiers come in various types, each suited to specific applications. Analog servo amplifiers, for example, control motor operations using continuous signals. Digital servo amplifiers, on the other hand, offer greater flexibility and precision by utilizing digital signals and advanced algorithms. These digital models often feature programmable settings, allowing for customization to meet the specific requirements of different tasks. Additionally, hybrid servo amplifiers combine elements of both analog and digital systems, providing a balance of performance and versatility.

The applications of servo amplifiers are vast and varied. In industrial automation, servo amplifiers control robotic arms, conveyor belts, and CNC machines, where precision and repeatability are essential. In the aerospace industry, servo amplifiers are critical for controlling the movements of aircraft components, such as flaps and landing gear. Servo amplifiers also find use in the medical field, where they enable the precise operation of surgical robots and diagnostic equipment. The ability to provide exact control over motor functions makes servo amplifiers indispensable in any field requiring high-precision motion control.


In summary, servo amplifiers are crucial devices in the realm of motion control, offering unparalleled precision and reliability. By continuously adjusting power based on feedback from sensors, they ensure motors operate efficiently and accurately. The variety of servo amplifier types allows for their use in a wide range of applications. This ranges from industrial automation to aerospace and medical technology. As technology advances, the role of servo amplifiers is expected to grow. Further enhancing their importance in achieving precise and efficient motor control.

Have a Broken Servo Amplifier?

A brief guide for common Fanuc servo amplifier alarm codes can be found here. For any inquiries regarding repair or replacement, our team is available by phone: (800) 691-8511 or by email:

Industries that See the Most Use of Servo Amplifiers

Servo amplifiers like these made by Fanuc, are used across diffferent industries.
Read more: Industries that See the Most Use of Servo Amplifiers

Manufacturing and Automation


Multiple aspects of the car industry utilize servo amplifiers.  Aside from the manufacturing process, servo amplifiers see use in car washing machines, on equipment that perform car maintenance, and even car vending machines!

Medical Devices

Servo amplifiers have their place in the medical field as well.  They allow precise imaging control in CT, MRI, and XRay machines.  Additionally, the precision of servo amplifiers has found use in robotic surgery.


Probably not as prominently thought of when discussing the applications of servo amplifiers, but an array of machinery see their applications across the industry.  Package filling machines utilize servo amplifiers for precisely distributing packing foam.  Servo amplifiers see their use in label printing and application machines. For bulkier packaging equipment, the use of servo amplifiers in pallet wrapping and lifting plays a vital role in keeping employees safe while efficiently working.

Renewable Energy

The environmental impact of automation has always come under scrutiny from opponents of industrialization as well as those concerned with climate and environmental issues. The question of sustainable energy exists as the primary topic of debate within the broader environmental discussion.  Servo amplifiers have found a niche place in the renewable energies sector.  Wind turbines use then for controlling pitch and yaw allowing for optimal energy capturing.  Additionally,servo amplifiers find use in solar panels tracking the position of the sun with precise accuracy.  

Food and Beverage

Servo amplifiers play a big role in the production of some of our favorite snacks and drinks.  Sensors allow for precise measurements of distribution to each package.  Not only that but they also dictate temperature and time ensuring that we get the most enjoyment ouf of the foods we enjoy.  Additionally, these servo amplifiers manage the sealing and labeling of food packages.


Multiple industries use servo amplifiers for task that crucially need precision, efficiency, and automation. Their ability to provide accurate control of motors and actuators makes them indispensable in modern industrial applications. As technology continues to advance, the use of servo amplifiers is likely to expand into new and emerging fields, further enhancing productivity and precision.

Broken Servo Amplifier?

Have a servo amplifier in need of repair or replacement? Give our team of certified professionals a call at: (800) 691-8511, or send us an email at: